By seamlessly integrating our proprietary NERVE DECOMPRESSION technique with advanced physio-techniques from Sports Science, TCM & Martial Arts, we have been able to consistently deliver a Success Rate of more than 85% for our customers.
After the successful delivery of thousands of therapies, our customers have come to define our specialization in the following treatments:
✅ Stroke Recovery
✅ Sciatic Nerve Reset
✅ Spinal Disorders & Injuries
✅ Sports & Occupational Injuries
✅ Pain, Joint & Weight Management
We have also systematically incorporated our proprietary ACTIVE BREATHING THERAPY within our treatments to fortify the Cardio-Respiratory Circulation of our customers, also known as the “Body’s Natural Qi”.
ACTIVE BREATHING THERAPY can be used effectively for the natural recovery of Sinus, Sleep Apnea, Breathlessness, Fatigue, Lowering of the “Three Highs” - Blood Pressure, Cholesterol & Glycemic Index.
Our complimentary therapies also include Weight-Loss, Tummy-Tuck, Hydro-Foot Spa & Allergy Recovery Treatment.
Medical Referrals:
We have also been very successful in helping more than 90% of our customers who are seeking alternative options to surgery, to recover from their injuries and disorders, without the need of invasive surgery.
For those struggling with extreme pain, or challenging disorders like Fibromyalgia or Whiplash Injuries from vehicular accidents but is unable to find a solution to their injury or disorder, talk to us about it.
WhatsApp us at (+65) 8896 6529 for an appointment today and stay connected with us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/NervePhysioClinique
nerve-physio CLINIQUE remains a wholly owned extension of VICTORIAN HERBAL and it is equally dedicated to Empowering A Healthier & Functional Community…
More Information: nerve-physio CLINIQUE: https://www.victorianherbal.com/services
#NervePhysioClinique #VictorianHerbal #NerveDecompression #Nerve #NerveSystems #Musculoskeletal #pains #Aches #kneepain #JointPain #BackAches #ChronicPain #Tendonitis #Sciatic #SciaticNerve #DegenerativeDiscDisease #Sciatica #Scoliosis #Kyphosis #Gout #Arthritis #Stroke #FrozenShoulder #TennisElbow #CarpalTunnel #SpinalDisorder #PainManagement #TummyTuck #ActiveBreathingTherapy #WeightLoss