Victorian HerbalJun 233 min readSTROKE RECOVERYA stroke occurs when the blood supply to the brain is disrupted, causing the brain cells and its connective tissues to die due to the...
Victorian HerbalOct 14, 20222 min readDON’T LET DEMENTIA TAKE CONTROL OF YOUR LIFE...[Chinese Version]不要让痴呆症控制你的生活… 边缘系统位于大脑的大脑中,包括海马、杏仁核和下丘脑,负责许多重要的心理、情感和心理功能,如情绪的处理和调节、记忆的形成和储存、性唤起和学习。 俗话说“饥饿的人是愤怒的人”,要经常保持身体的营养,这样才能产生更多的“快乐荷尔蒙”,更少的“愤怒荷尔蒙...
Victorian HerbalOct 13, 20222 min readDON’T LET DEMENTIA TAKE CONTROL OF YOUR LIFE…The Limbic System, which is located in the cerebrum of the brain, includes the Hippocampus, the Amygdala & the Hypothalamus, and is...